
Apart from doing it in any post you want, this space is for you to write down any thoughts you may have and wish to share..


  1. I would like to share with you the first thought I have everyday: Which is the best way to be happier?..and I always answer to me: "Feeling where I am and enjoying what I am doing at this moment"

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  3. This is a short information about the darkening of the planet, the other phenomenon due to human activity and apparently involved in the climate change. It seems quite suspect that we actually are not told at all about it, compared with the global warming. Perhaps there are less economic interests involved in it. The only truth is that we are manipulated.
    You can get this and more information on

    "The darkening of the planet

    The attenuation of solar radiation by the presence of particulate pollution in the atmosphere is a phenomenon that was discovered as a result of various observations: decrease of water evaporation in experiments repeated since 1950, days exceptionally clear after stopping air traffic following the events of 11 September 2001. The value of this reduction since 1950 is around 10% but is variable depending on location. The darkening partially offsets the greenhouse effect, but one has to wonder what would happen without it."

  4. If you are interested in inderstanding how we are manipulated, just have a look on Noam Chomsky's 10 steps every day to manipulate the truth. It's definitely the most believable truth I've read for the last months. You can read them in English on:
    In Spanish, it's called: Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática.
    Just think about it, and have a good day!

  5. Thanks Marta and Mayca for sharing your thoughts, very nice indeed!
    Charo, thank you too for providing this information, I remember you mentioned it in class, very interesting food for thought!

