Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Plate of Peas

Hi there,

Rick Beyer is the author of the short story, A Plate of Peas, we started reading in class yesterday. It's part of the book True Tales of American Life, edited by Paul Auster, (Faber & Faber 2001) pp.120-122.

Here's the author's website:
If you scroll down on his site, you can find a link to listen to Paul Auster reading the stroy or else by clicking on this one from NPR:

I also attached the activities about the text you were assigned for the weekend, you can do it for love !  :)

View more documents from Inma Alvarez.

Have a great weekend,


  1. Hi Inma, as I told you last wednesday, I'd like to print the Glossary/cohesion devices, but I can't download it. so could you send me the file by email? Thanks.

  2. Hi Antonio!

    I just emailed it to you. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. Doing it for love is the best, because doing it for money gets you in trouble. Come to think of it, maybe that's what the story is all about!
